In the Image of God

What does it mean to be made “in the image of God?”

Another way I like to think of this is, in what sense are “all men created equal?”

Many spiritual practices teach you to notice the thoughts and emotions flowing through your awareness and “let them go.” The goal is to become more and more identified with the Witnessing aspect of consciousness, as opposed to embedded in the content.

There is a great value in become more aware of the flow and less welded to it.

My experience in Jungian psychoanalysis has taught me a different path.

When you “let it go,” where does it go? It goes back where it came from, the Unconscious.

But what if it came for a reason?

Every great spiritual teaching, along with every scientific discovery began as an image in the mind.

All sentient beings, and possibly all beings, partake in consciousness, in mind.

We all have some experience with this flow of images, of thoughts and feelings, our subjectivity. We make contact with the source of all inspiration, the Collective Unconscious.

I believe we’re here not to detach from this contact, but to savor it, to express it, to make it manifest.

When the Bible says, “the truth will make you free,” I believe bringing this content into the world is the truth it is referring to. It needs to be filtered, clarified, shepherded and guarded.

Ideally, this is what therapy, both individual and group is about—bringing forth the truth that is within us. We are healed by this process and through it we become what we are meant to be.


Deep Calls to Deep


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