Feeling Stuck

What should you do when you’re feeling stuck in therapy?

Blame it on your therapist.

But surely it’s my own fault right? At least partially?

Doesn’t matter.

We all have repressed aggression towards our parents from childhood.

When you’re a child, it’s impossible to fully express your frustration, even in the best of circumstances.

So we bury it.

The more you can access and express this anger, especially towards people in authority, and have it be received, the less you’re burdened by it.

So blame you therapist that you’re stuck.

If they tried harder, were more creative, were more or less confrontational, had better intuition, were more patient or more flexible, more accommodating or stricter with boundaries, more skilled, better trained, more experienced…

…then you wouldn’t be stuck.

You might start feeling silly and just mouth the words.

But if you persist, you may touch on the deeper rage.

And this will give you energy.

Just this may get you rolling.

If it doesn’t, it may be time to join group therapy.


So What Do You Feel Towards Me?


Expanding Your Emotional Range in Group Therapy